Commonwealth Games 2022 QBR Coverage

Working Closely with Telford and Wrekin Council and the BBC to capture an historic moment of the QBR traveling through the Ironbridge George.

Sound Octopus was given the opportunity in the early months of 2022 to capture the QBR. It was something we couldn’t refuse. Taking months off planning and testing ensuring maximum coverage and the best angles possible.

Working with Telford and Wrekin council and the BBC to capture the greatest content possible.

How it was Filmed?

With a Majority of the GoPros and a few of the point and shoots, we mounted them to the side of canoes and coracles, creating a low down effect of them on the river.

The rest of the cameras were placed strategically down the river to capture them as they traveled down.

Filming the QBR was a challenging task. Using 4 GoPro’s, 2 DSLRs, 2 Point and Shoots and 1 Drone. To capture the event.

Once all the footage was filmed, it was then edited and delivered within the day to ensure that the client was satisfied.

Gear Used to film the QBR

DJI Mavic Pro Drone, GoPro Hero 7, GoPro Hero 3, GoPro Hero 4, Canon Eos M10 (15-45 Kit lens EF-M), Sony HX???, Sony HX???


Piano in a Tunnel Music Video